#: 7299    ID:    Section: 24S2

Prenatal Journey: Embrace a healthier pregnancy with our comprehensive program. Beginning with 30 days of BirthFit Basics, you’ll explore the essential range of motion and developmental movements tailored for each trimester. Our program focuses on building a deep connection with your body, fostering awareness, and preparing you physically and mentally for childbirth. Progress through targeted training for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters, designed to enhance strength and conditioning in tune with your body’s changing needs. Babies and kids are welcome to accompany you during these classes.


Postpartum Path: Embark on a 16-week journey of recovery and strength rebuilding, suitable for both c-section and vaginal birth recoveries. Our program starts with a focused 30-day postpartum rehabilitation phase, employing BirthFit Basics to heal and strengthen your core and pelvic floor gently. The progressively overloading regimen includes tempo training, unilateral exercises, and breathwork, laying a solid foundation for long-term health and fitness. Feel free to bring your baby along to these sessions.


Beyond BirthFit: Dedicate four months to yourself, focusing on pelvic floor health, core strength, and overall fitness. This program respects your body’s natural rhythms, considering your menstrual cycle and current life phase. Tailored to each individual, it offers a respectful, empowering approach to building strength and conditioning at your own pace. Children are welcome, but we kindly ask that toddlers and older kids follow directions to ensure everyone’s safety.


If you complete the full four months, you’ll get a free first month of adult classes at Ethos if you are interested in trying those out!

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8:30 AM
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
6/19/2024   8:30AM - 9:15AM
Ethos Collective & Physical Therapy
6/21/2024   8:30AM - 9:15AM
Ethos Collective & Physical Therapy
6/26/2024   8:30AM - 9:15AM
Ethos Collective & Physical Therapy
6/28/2024   8:30AM - 9:15AM
Ethos Collective & Physical Therapy
7/3/2024   8:30AM - 9:15AM
Ethos Collective & Physical Therapy
7/5/2024   8:30AM - 9:15AM
Ethos Collective & Physical Therapy
7/10/2024   8:30AM - 9:15AM
Ethos Collective & Physical Therapy
7/12/2024   8:30AM - 9:15AM
Ethos Collective & Physical Therapy